
Friday, March 4, 2011

what do you want to be?

time kecik2 dulu cikgu tanye nak jadi ape...jwapan biasa dengar
6)polis,ahli bomba smua
7) cikgu...

skang ni ak dah ada bachelor in electrical engineer and doing master in management in engineer..

I was in the class who part of my class already professional which can be a project manager or an engineer and sitting next to an architect....(mostly have their degree on infrastructure kind of field...)

when some lecture who teaching leadership , negotiation and communication
asking ME what I wanna be?and I was like out of my mind and just answer....
"an Engineer~"

wadefak am I doing in that class if I wanna be an engineer?
I don't want to be just and engineer...I should probably answer to be a project manager maybe.I don't know.but I really hate my answer.
I really like to bite my tongue after I say it...

the respond?
my lecturer start telling some story of someone who have slow mind...and at the end he become someone unexpected to be...maybe
(I don't really remember the story bcause I keep cursing myself while he telling this story)
but after that he telling another story some other guy who have a worship of become a leader.
who can talk and walk like a leader....can give a very motivating speech and already pointed to be a vice president and end up just want to stay at his home town and doing thing he like.

did he mean to relate the story to me?I just feel dumb enough.
not because I feel like I can be something better then an engineer.but because I NEVER EVER FEEL LIKE BEING AN ENGINEER since forever...

I just trap in something that I don't really know...and try to change direction but can't find my path...
maybe someday I really end up just being an engineer and people might ask me wadehal u doing ur master for??herm~

OKEH,post sblum ni aku tak tau pehal xler tgk.penat dah ak download 2/3 mcm gagal ak dh mlas..korang guna ar imaginasi...haha

when some lecture who teaching leadership and the
(nampak sgt aku salah copy paste ayat ni...pastu ak xnak delete..lg nk tambah ayat aku..nk kasi korang pening)

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