
Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Under circumstances

Aku ada kelas lg 30minit..
Baru lepas meeting ngn some f**** retard.
wadehalll aku kena group ngn dorang smpai dua group lak tu...
Bajet la smua tau..pastu tak nak dengar cakap org lak....
Emosi aku..dah la tak masal kena jd group leader..
The last thing I want to be in my life....
so what type of leader I would like to be?
For now I can tell like 'someone' in the group are act more like a leader.
Decided thing like he know every single thing in this world...

Yes naville i would definately read the book u suggest in class bfore cause it seem like I need more then motivation to counter back those they the only person who do the reading..
RAsa bagus aje..That what I need to face!!
Solve my anger problem before do the ridicolous thing.

Pluss what u would do if u feel like someone step u down..
Take advantage on you..but at same time..
You don't want to be the same person as they are...

Yups...I hv more valuable pride and style to turn into that type of human...
Patience and intelligent are some gift you cant get only by talking.

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