
Sunday, May 30, 2010


it took me a few week to continue writing on second entri of my penang trip...
back from chow rasta..the one with the huge old book store like i told you before...

                                            souvenier len bler dapat at dat market

we continue going to Queensbay was my 1st time but truly enjoy being there........
there's nothing to say but it quit huge and a place to leisure on your free time.Cinema/karaoke place/jusco/mNg/Starbucks /roxy/quicksilver etc....

Tempat yg kitaorg bler lari dr kepanasan duniawi..setelah berpeluh dgn hebat kat market td~
hahaaha...what was unique??..let me bout the bubble tea..okeh2..i noe there are some where you can find at the curve or where ever it is....but dis was my 1st time trying this kind of tea...
itupon sbb Amy blanja...i recommend to try the blueberry one...x silap la..hahaha,rasa yg agak menarik...
it was not mine...cause i choose mine according to the recommendation from the menu..

1st hirup my tea...rasa sdap juak...pastu try my fren blueberry one..i feel like mine sgt boring and ordinary..
hahhaa~ ape yang best sgt?
erm maybe sbb after they make the tea...they will wrap it up so u could put in your handbag and drink it while watching the movie..hahaha;bukan salah aku sbb air jual kat pintu masuk wayang sgt mahal and boooooooring~ one yg weirdo kat sini...restoran yg peliks gile sbb berkonsep kan bathroom atau tmpat korang mLuahKan PEncERnaaN....xtau halal/haram/shubhah...go and check it by urself...
ak bukan g makan..i just took a pic infront of mmg rasa cam nk masuk n lepak2 dlm tu...
hahha~suggest to just buy a can of coke.....kewl gak..this kind of cafe atau tmpat mkan pelik2 ni rasa bler jumpa kat times square je kot..tmpat len mane der org brani nk wat weirdo2 er konsep...
ni bukan kedai jual mangkuk tandas wokehhh

kat sini korang akan duduk atas mangkuk tandas..and meja coming from bath tub yg dialas dengan kepingan kaca...kewl huh..

ini mayb replika...atau ur food will be serve in this way...seriOus..

kitaorg sempat gak g rumah kelahiran p.ramlee...agak tersesat atau telepas simpang gak..but it was fascinating and u shud go it totally free.. 

dan lepas tu kitaorg blk untuk mrelex2 kn diri...n totally having a shower..sgt mmerlukan sbb dh melekit okeh...

pukul 6 pm baru kitaorg menjalankan mission yg sgt penthingssssssss which was NASI KANDAR time..ngehehhee...
okeh..kitaorg almost giving up back then sbb Georgetown smemang er byk one way....bile terlepas simpang we need to turn another time...pelik gler..tgh mlm smlm kitaorg lalu ade jer nmpak...dah siang and semak..tak nmpk pulak...agak sejam la ktorg cr....last2...kitaorg tanye pakcik kat shell and some other citizen...n jauh gak berjalan..sblum mkan bek smayang magrib dlu..yeeeeeeeeeeee~smpai magrib kot x jumpa..padahal pusing tmpat yg sma...n akhir er jumpa gak..mmg sgt terpencil n mmg patot kitaorg x perasan..mcm kena block dgn kedai len kiri kanan gerai tu...ooowh..lupe,sbnar er...sangat teringin makan nasi kandar "Line CLear"...
this is sinful wit all curry all over the rice... 
i saved rm10 stelah bajet makin kurang untuk makan kat sni...and i was quit shocked since the price for me was quit okeh..and ayam yg 1/4 sgt puas hati..x silap RM4.80 if just lauk ayam..and my fren who took some sayur and papadom pon just pay bout RM6...and totally delicious..forget on hakim er ayam yg crispy.. this is much better... 

hungry anyone?? tooo!!
FYI~ehem2...dorang ada wall of fame of their own...some of famous er muka melekat2 kat dinding gerai tu and surprisingly one of them was Chef Wan...aper? it urself...
okeh ada la bintang2 len yang enkorang suka mcm AWie and Dato' Sheikh muzafar (sory if wrong spelling)...tak tau la klau dorang sndiri gler g wat photo shop ..tu kena tnye dorang sndiri la kn...

and mLam er...uhuuuu~kitaorg smpat singgah batu ferenghi and g psar yg ala2 uptown atau petaling street...byk la brg "branded" yg bler cr..entah~sbb if real branded pon not really i'm gonna buy those...yang palin n sgt menarik is this...sgt kepingin and meyesal siang tadi borong gler2 kat book store tu..sob2..
tu jer yang ak teringin nk beli saat ni..okeh..yang len~best la jejalan kat sni...manyak mat salleh..huh,ape yg best sgt ngn mat salleh..dunno..u tell me...

dpan the ship..tata~gler nk ak mkan kat sni....ngeeeh =P

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Teringin Telepon

" SEsuaTu yg kite Nak/mau/teringin slalu er...mesti benda yang susah atau mustahil untuk kite capai...."

contoh>>> yg x kurang Mampu kepinging nk jadi KAya Raya sebab xrasa bhagia selagi duet x melimpah ruah....dah dapat duet..trus lupe diri...
ok fineeeee~dari kate org..bek tuding jari busuk ni kt diri sndiri..

like me;myself...time phone aku elok..xnk jaga...n teringin nk LG lolipop
       pic dr encik google

dah rosak jahanam baru terhegeh2 nk kcewa..gula2 lolipop pn xde.....nyetsss
   pay phone pon jahanam..citzz!

kalau pon kite dapat SESUATU tu~ 
possibility untuk kite jaga se'PErfecT' mungkin..
cth Islamiah sket>>>kite diberi iman dari awal lahir...tapi;susah kan nk jaga~.bnda yg paling valuable..tapi..nampak ke kite??ada ke hari2 kite syukur..trima kaseh kat Maha Pemberi atas nikmat satu ni...
Rupa apekah agaknya Iman tu bile kite kembali kan pada-Nya di akhirat kelak...aduhai~syahdu...

ni bukan ak cite psal  nurul Iman ank pak Rahman yg amek medic kat seberang erks..(+minah tu mmg chun malatop/bbudi bahasa/ayu sopan sgala bgai....jgn brani compare ngn aku)

tipical sgt kan ape yg aku nk,tu la yg aku rasa akhir2 ni...
ak dh ade je bnda yg buat hati ak ni tsentap tgh2 mlm mgambang ni...

Phrase ni slalu sgt kite dgr...but the probs is;
 we still not gonna realize it till the day we can't reach it anymore...
" you don't know what you've got. Till it's GONE...."
ak nk sgt mghargai bnda yang dh ada depan mata..tapi~ak cuba pon xbuleh gak....
lagi aku cuba..lagi aku rasa;i mit end up hurting someone i do care...someone i always call as friend....
so,setapak dua tapak tiga tapak..ak try ignore btul ke cara aku?
cuba klau ak kat tmpat die??
mesti sedeh kan.....mesti ak tgh bguling2 syahdu bagai ,sbb org yg aku suka wat perangai sememeh mcm yg aku wat skang..

n klau aku accept org yg ak dh try  ak sdar hakikat er....
wat the heck gonna happen next??

kejam gLe..hari ni mmg hari kejam aku~benci!!!!

extra chessy;
- penat gler nk susun blk brang dlm bilik ni...ttiba mroyan lak...ampun~
                 -Sorry sis,i'm not supposed to yell at u..but i did~i regret it truly! i wish i cud change a monster inside of me...i nvr meant wat i said..
my mind and my act react  in  OppoSite away...

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Ak bangun2 pagi ni..erm pagi ker...sambil pikir ape kena bwat..
Stiap hari pon ak camtu..
Last2 ON lappy pick a movie...baru nk start brushin gege kuning dan bfast dijama' wit lunch seprti biasa..
Klau dah bgun lmbt camni...jgn mimpi la ada lg MiLo pemberi energy...

SEsambIL melayan keboringan watchmen ni.....ak tak tau cite ni psal ape....mrepek mraban ...
mayb psal cartoon from marvel's comic dat i barely read...
soooo,it's time to scream out to the world today...

woot wooot day is it today.??
.25th may...5 day to go sblum ft er show...=P
sblum story mory psal date ni...
annoying Lak with dis person..dont give a demmm care bout the msg i receive just now..

Antara reason ak tak publish blog ak sbb how cud u tell it a private diary no longer private..
i just wish this cud be the place where i able to hid from reality and dat why i call it "solitudeescape".
for those who know whom i dedicate this anger to..please keep it to urself..
sharus er..ak mlas nk amek port psal minah ni..

She is my only roomate...mesti lah..dah ak dua org je dok dlm tu..
so,watever..since beginning mmg ak nak kuar..i already inform her dari awal..die pulak..
"Erm tak taulah zihah....ak xsure nk cari keje kat sini ke tak.."
or entah hape2 la alasan ko kan..lantak la....ak mmg x sbar nk chow...wlau ak maseh xde arah tujuan
yang penting ...MENUTUP BUKU LAMA>>buler??

sblum ni dah pening psal bil ayer+letrik..watever la..dah la ak byar double sbb situasi yg agak bangang..
Lantak ko la..mlas ak nk argue lg...ko yg nk decide sndiri kan..
skang ni ak nk blk S.alam pon dah mlas sbb nk cari timing yg xkan jumpa ko...BULER twice??

Bulan depan nk kuar...6 hari ni baru bagitau nk kuar umah....wat the heck????ko nk settle kan 6 hari?
mane cukup....gler bangang la ko ni...
Masa cari rumah dlu ak gak yang sebok2 cari...tu pon ko involve last minute pas ak dah jumpa rumah mcm yang ko inginkan....demmit!
it took me more then 2 weeks to settle on dat matter u weckoooo...
                                                           cukup2 la menghantui hidup ak buleh??

Sumpah ak paling malas nk blas msg ni..walau sblum ni ak pikir takde orang ke nk msg ak ari ni..
SMs yang pling ak harapkn.. 
Tahniah..anda ada RM1000000 dalam akaun..sila lah joli smpai lemas...
haha..mana mungkin dong...gler ape bank salah kire nk bg duet byk tu....ak dapat msg aki di rantauan pon cukup bek dah..kenapa ntah since die blk latest ni..susah lak nk sms..asik x delivered je..and same with her too..xpham psal ape....erks..camne bisnes nk jln???gMAiL pon mebuat perangai tahiks akhir2 ni..aduhai..dah la both of us use email gmail utk customer contact..patot la hung mcm gler bisnes aku..gler tol...
byak lak request aku...
eceh mentang2 meminjam tepon ibu...kuh2..wlau hanya sementra....
                                                                    achi...bile mau dtg ini india.

tapi bile dh dpt msg ni..ak myumpah seranah x tentu pasal lak.....
mampos month ak mmg xnk bayar atau amek port lg...ko paling padayapa...
ko asik lyan la jadi er...
so sukati ko la..nk jual katel la..apelah....
fuck urself on it!!
Niat ak dari awal mmg nk pindah,why dont u just leave me alone?
Slama ni tinggal se rumah pon..ak mcm tak wujud,lantak ko lah...
i dont want to relay on anyone..especially you....mean;i just dont trust you anymore after wat u did it to me..
what make u think i'll forget those memory from my head...u just wrong...cause i am wat i am...
  '   if i'll ever do it again....i'll do the exact same thing..."
u never change me to be a b8tr u dont!!!
i'm the one who change my perception on friends and human being after wat u done to me long ago..
teringat time die ada krisis ngn the other frens...well,jeda and aki sndiri perasan n tell me
"is it a karma?after wat she did to u bfore?"
it mit be..i duwno...tapi aku bukan die...she mit left and ignore me when 'those' bad thing happen...
tapi ak tak...i'm stick wit her tough she treat me like a shit now..i still act as friend shud do..
not stepping other from isnt all...
i dont have any guts to take revenge on dat....

why shud dis day be the most miserable day of my life..why?
my besfren casper on his way to me here behind..

sure,he back to his hometown for a good...
He going to start working as soon as he be there..

this boredom and clueless future is killing me 

Monday, May 24, 2010


~akibat menyawan xler tido~

~akibat sakit jiwa ngn hp x stop restart sndiri...virus ke hape...~

having fun least bukan duduk dan termenung...

banyak je benda kena buat sebenar er...kemas barang kat umah sewa....n organize balik bilik disini..xlarat er nk g blk s.alam slalu....cuba mengelak dari jumpa itu...erks~

Banyak berita gumbira ari ni dan syukurlah...recently asik dengar bad news from some fren...hidup memang x selalu indah....

Aien bakal jadi mummy~how great it is....
Nab will b engage soon~lesson learn....bila Tuhan bukakan pintu hati...tiada ape yang              mustahil....=)

dh settle psal booking tiket walau last minute...yup shud done it bfore esk since ibu mau g s'wak ...
xkesah la g mane2...mlas dah nk long ada vacation ramai2 ngn famili...
3 minggu dah delay nk nonton wayang ngn syiah..kasehan sama itu olang...promised her to take her watch shrek tapi  dis week adahal lagi..aduhai....mayb next week..hopefully xde lg yg mghalang....amin...erks..tapi mcm kena g t'ganu lak...cuti pon jadual pack~atau pure2 pack.....nikmati hidup sementra buleh~

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Penang Trip

  Tak cukup sehari di Penang...

it's been a while since I be here again..the last memory i have was with my arwah abah...
moment when we lepaking at gurney ..somewhere we saw people playing kite...tu pon sebelum tsunami..

so,here i am again..going here start my journey...looking for something i've never experience before..
for less then 24 hours...i really excited since we exploring more then i ever expected...
my budget was about myr 300.
MYR 39x2 for toll+bridge toll almost reach 100.
MYR 80 for a,i just have MYR130 to spending on my shopping list
i didnt plan wat to buy there...planning to buy thing dat hardly to find...but yuppps..i'm soo screw with the figure..always hate it...

early (not really) in morning..we find some place to eat....just follow the honorable tour guide; miss Amy
Kind of hv no idea where should we go so we end up having our brunch near to general hospital....
compare dgn gerai makan look kind of cozy and 'up' sket dari yang len...
but i think it isn't..i just ate roti telor with my special tea. it was 3 layer tea.always be my fav.

tapi lagi murah dr kat hakim/khulfa / cost me only rm2.50 and i were ordering the one with the pandan in the picture....Slurppppps~ (^_^)

Kemudian er....amy took me to Chow rasta(dont remember the spelling;dont bother to google it tough)

it's market where you can find asam/ikan/daging/and we went to 2nd level,tempat  agak creepy...not all shop were open...then there were some shop which u can buy cloth and shoes...

Sampai lah hujung sekali level place like no is a book store...and it is really like a store...a very big one...i like so hypnotized by this place..

.i was excited and start looking for a several book..but there not several there..there a lot....and yup...i really love to this's like love a first sight...i havent seen a place like this...i wud say it kind like a book store at central market where the mamak rent a books from his bookstore..but this place like 10 times from wat i ever saw...

since amy and i used to be a big fan of book store at  central market of course this will be our new obsession..
kerana terpedaya...i've spent MYR50 here...buying book u'll never gonna find at fancy book store like mph or boarders..this is lot better then there...rugi er x bwk duet lebey..i really wanna buy some comic book which is very rare..and i wish i cud bought it for a whole set...wlau sgt panas n berpeluh2 dlam kedai yg mmg x rupe kedai..i return with 2 plasctic beg..which full of book...i bought about 10 book here...

sgt,duet mula my budget for nasi kandar LC and some other stuff too~

see ya in part 2..huuhuhu..lot more to share...

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Glory in the Flower :"Poetry"

What though the radiance which was once so bright
Be now for ever taken from my sight,
Though nothing can bring back the hour

Of splendor in the grass, of glory in the flower;
We will grieve not, rather find
Strength in what remains behind;
In the primal sympathy
Which having been must ever be;
In the soothing thoughts that spring
Out of human suffering;
In the faith that looks through death,
In years that bring the philosophic mind.

extra cheese : get it from the criminal minds season3.


                                                   "it some kind of cheese cupcakes...but it lovely "
why do people like cupcakes?
well,i'm saying all this not bcause i really now what people like or after doing some survey etc...
it just my own opinion tough.......
u may refuse to agree..i dont mind at all~
                                                     "wanna go to LEgo Land...sob2"

well,i've no idea why i come out with this entri...
if we ever wonder why recently people getting obsessed with cupcakes when it already exist
like a century before the muffin even exist(from wat i read of course......)
even i nvr try to make one of such tiny cute piece of cake which 
i dont hv much confident to make it done well....


1) it is cute (LOL) always come with various kind of decoration...adorable sometime...
u rather stare at the look those rather then eat them all

2) we want to have something for our OWN.... we dont really have to share with others..sometimes or most of the time people do love to be selfish and dont even realize it....
well it sooo small and impposible if u cud ever share it anyway...

3) it easy to keep(doubt bout it..)but maybe...there sure easy to handle and u could keep it
in ur handbag or shopping bag much easier...

 appearance bcome everything today..huh,like the same point here...but yeah~
people turn to value thing from outside...rather then consider the real taste anymore..
dat how the world work today...outlook appearance did turn lot of return today....
i wud love to deny it..but the truth usually hurt ~ 

5) it much fun and enjoyable...yup i really think so... i have a great moment each time i'm having the cupcakes...
6)??? why do you and i have to ask?? just eat those lovely cake..clueless why people ask those question again...
                                                    "~our great time together...kind of miss it now ~"

between cupcakes chic and wondermilk..i choose a lil bit expensive but i hv trouble to finish some of cupcake frm cupcake chic like the marshmallow one...but amy like the cupcake chic more then other one...well it depends on ur tongue i guest soo...

extra cheese:
just cant take it when i just read 'bout someone who call himself  "MR know everything bout blogging" ,when he try to tell others what to write and what not to write on the blog....i mean as long we dont break any rules..&.it dont cause harm ;why does it matter to him?is it necessary to using only one language if u want to write a blog?i dont beg people to read these trash...if i did...i've already publish all over fb or offense..but some people may only use a blog to create their own world..just bcause this guy create some blog look dat soooooo super cool he have rit to tell other wat to do wit their life...duuuuh~ face it...dont try to be a king...lantak la if some of them nk jadi pengulas berita ke ak emo kat org yg ak x knal..ak pon x tau..lalalala~ maybe bcause i just sooo annoying how he try to make it like a big deal and sure i wont be like him.mayb i just try to disturb my mind by thinking something else rather then...urgggggggggggggggggggggggggggggh~


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Key To My Heart by Jessica Jarrell (With Lyrics)

boy you put me on the spot I don't know what to say
But I'm trying anyway
Like my hearts gonna drop
My mind drifts away and I can't control the pains

Words are spinning in my head
Don't know why I'm holding back
I should just tell you how I'm feeling yeah heh

But I don't wanna act a fool
Don't wanna look confused
If I let you know about the way I feel
Don't know what you gonna do
So I keep it locked inside
And imagine you were mine
And I'm feeling you so close but yet so far
You hold the key to my heart

The more I brush it off
Tell myself it's nothing at all
Deeper I fall
And I imagine everyday
A thousand different ways
How you respond to what I say

Am I getting lost in my dreams?
Are you unreachable to me?
Cause these butterflies just won't go away

I don't wanna act a fool
Don't wanna look confused
If I let you know about the way I feel
Don't know what you gonna do
So I keep it locked inside
And imagine you were mine
And I'm feeling you so close but yet so far
You hold the key to my heart

But if I never tell you then you'll never know
And the secret is get-ting heavy to hold
This is more than just a crush
So I may stut-ter when I speak
And my knees may get a little weak
But I've got nothing to lose and only you to gain
Tell me do you feel the same

But I don't wanna act a fool
Don't wanna look confused
If I let you know about the way I feel
Don't know what you gonna do
So I keep it locked inside
And imagine you were mine
And I'm feeling you so close but yet so far
You hold the key to my heart
it 15th May
i've been thinking bout a lot of things....but doing nothing...
ordinary me..foolish as always i used to be...
got a txt from odie dis early morn ask me to send him to KLIA tonite...
this probably would be the last time i able to send him to KLIA...mayb we will never see each other again..who knew rit...i'm not ahli nujum yg bler predict future...
he is my bestie since msuk uiTM s.alam ni...satu2 er fren yg awal n akhir class yg sma..almost every semester dr diploma kitaorg kelas yg sma...only 3rd and 4th sem degree je kitaorg x sma kelas...gler mean 5 years we hv been in same class...letak entri psal mamat ni mcm la ak ada crush ngn die...LOL,jgn narrow minded sgt....
we've been through a lot of things together...
during my diploma crisis...he was one of few  fren who stood beside me when other bestie betray and turn back on me...yup,those were terrible moment which totally change my life and perspective of frenship....

si skema ni mmg la good looking tp we not really talking bout private things together...ntah la,rasa mcm x seswai je nk cite bnda2 tu...mcm pelik nk cite kat die "rit now i' m hving crush on......"atau "i broke up last was sooo awful...."
we more to "sial glee minah ni....." or "wat the shitty fucking of this guy i met....myusah kn perangai macm taik"
so,we dont really hv a sopan2 punyer talking when we be together.

totally he not really the shoulder to cry on..but he always be there when i need a fren...
if we hv a prob..we just hengout dan buat pkara gler....
apesal ntah ak byk sgt tepngaruh ngn hasutan odie ni..beli guitar psal die....join 3P psal dgr ckap die...n mcroboh kolej perindu sbb die....pekara paling bangang ak pnah buat...
we like brother n sista..but we only fight one time in these 6 years....he born a day before me... tp ak pelik sbb we totally hv different personaliti...erm,sgala ramalan mmg x kena...

1)die sgt rajin+suke kemas (Sgt KontRa okeh).....
2) die ada awek yg mcm lama gle dh dorang couple..(awek die kuat jeles-ak excluded)
--->ak xde pakwe yg stick langsung....sekian biarkan tanda soal
3)he like soccer
----> (ak benci gler bola...bukan benci..ak allergic bola...ak xtau camne nk tangkap ak,klau bola dtg kite kena elak...hahhaa....kuat men bola racun)
4)die skema;smua bnda skema okeh...(Sgt2 takot ponteng...tapi slalu gak tepengaruh ngn aku)
---->aku kaki ponteng slagi buleh x dtg..mmg xnk dtg...

jadik,sbb tu la die ngn Gaban je yg still panggil aku ngn Si Pon...siot gle..sbb 1st time ak x dtg kelas BEL time part 3 diploma...dorang sdap2 bg nama x best ni...and next day si Odie lak x dtg n we call him Si, apesal ntah nama tu x melekat kat die..hampeh je~
itu la asal usul nama huduh yg dorang bg...n ak mlas nk cite ble org tanye...

sure,there'll be a person who dont like him....ada gak hasutan2 yg x brape nk bernas....well,i'm not sure if he ever think me as his bestie too cos i just dont care...

the thing is...i dont wanna say goodbye tonight cos i'm afraid i cudnt hold my tears....ak sangat sedeh sbb tu ak x offer nk jumpa for the last time...sbb ak benci lak nk rasa sedeh sbb dh susah nk jumpa pas ni....
jumpa for a last time is not my thing....i dont hv a gut to dat...even ak break off pon ak x kan or dont hv chance to say goodbye..apetah lagi ngn someone who u call bestfren...
it would be a while if we need to see each other back again...there will be no goodbye since i dont want our frenship to end up here....

Friday, May 14, 2010

::IBU ratu hidup ku::

esok 15th May 2010 adalah birthday ibu.....
selalu er i would share present or buying cake together with my eldest sister..
since die skang mrempat kat bradford smpai ujung tahun ni...totally would be my own effort
nk prepare for the special day....n last nite dtg idea yg super duper merepek 'yaitew' buat kek utk ibu...
hahhahaa~sbnar er niat nk wat spageti camne la bler tgoogle kek coklat....erm,okeh gak kek kukus coklat ni...tanpa mbuat badget yg bernas.....diri ini mdecide buat ape yang patot....lalallaa~
idea ni datang lepas tkantoi slah antar msg i was suppose to send to mrX and ttiba tbagi kat ibu.... opss~nk wat camne ...tlajak kayak bler reverse ..tslah send msg,redah aje lah......
lama gler x wat kek....the last one i did,i think only arwah abah yg sangup mkan...smua org xnk makan...sedehh n trus give up....kuikui,padahal sndiri pon x lalu nk makan...

Langkah pertama....
salin menu

Langkah kedua...
check bekalan tepung sgala bagai...
check brang yg nk guna..klau dh nk kukus mane pengukus er...
spantas kilat 911 my bSF yg kebetulan tgh ulang alik dr puchong ke s.alam
huhu,smarttt~ada gak penyelamat....mekasih cik pah ina ku...

Langkah seterus er...
tido dlu..dapat kn tido yg cukup utk esk..hahaha

Langkah ke-empat
bangun tido..mlas nk mandi....g je kedai..jauh pulok nk g tesco...
tp kedai sek7 lama sblah 7-e ni jual x cukup..soda berkarbonat xde lak...koko er mahal gle..ak nk wat kek simple je......
owh yang paling bingung duet ak kurang rm35 dlm nk sedar diri...tu pon dh smpai kat kedai mamak br ak nk kire badget...(typically me~ huuhu~)
RM35 -RM10(duet minyak)-RM5(duet topap)...tinggal rm20 ajo dlm dompet ni...cancel nk beli lunch..dh tak mampu..uhuks2

Langkah ke-5....
tunggu ina datang...ttiba mrX call nk mintak tlg antar surat ke-opis...layan kan aje...
(nawaitu ku;bler gak ak singgah smentara tunggu kek masak sat g)
so,smbil tunggu ina smbil tunggu mrX...bler plak ttiba ujan..adeh jwab er basah la tuala yg kusidai smlm....
~berjaya gak pinjam pengukus dr ina...wlau pon bgitu...aduhai..penutup pengukus mmg ina x jumpa n tpaksa la guna kekreatifan ak nk tutup bnda alah agak pelik knape besar sangat weyyyy..........huahuahua....segan ak wat transfer brg kat petronas td...xpe2..demi niat suci ku ini..eceeh...
~tp,mmg x cukup pon bahan nk kukus....susu cair x mampu beli..wat guna susu pekat tp dicairkan...sesukati aku je wat teori sndiri.....pengayak ak wat cara kayak tepung style individu tedesak....(herm,biarlah rahsia...)
~pemukul/whisker pon xde..mixer apetah lagi...ak ni dh la xmkn dr pagi...lemah longlai nk memukul guna pengayuh yg spatut er td....(yeaa..ak tau..tu adalah bekas periuk nasi...sbb ak xde bowl.dont blame me..since ni rumah sewa kat s.alam..apekan daya..sape suh idea dtg smlm.)

Langkah ke-6...
ikot menu n wat la....
sambil2 tu bungkus present ibu...
ak bagi ape?erm,brang dari ikea aje...xtau dah nk bg ape....mungkin ni kire duet hasil titik peluh ak gak..sebab ak beli pas dpt duet thesis problem msalah kesengalan ak yg berikut er....
kekonon nk letak present dlm kotak kasut boot aku yg dh ilang,bile dh balut tepi2 kotak ak nk ukur size present tu..n jwapan er..yup,xmuat...slamat x bungkus abes kotak ni...ada gak sisa nk bungkus ala2 x kreatif aku.....

Langkah ke-7
kek siap...letak topping...balik selayang..chow sblum jam....
dan ermmm,enak btul nasi dirumah...nyummy2..ibu tgh wat slide keje x siap...=P
esok la br rasa kek aku yg x tau ape rasa er...mcm ghupe kek hallowen x?ngahaha..apekehal ntah ak wat muke smiley tp mcm scary lak....

tambahan...tensen tengok sinetron tv9(yup tivi dah sehat ) yang ashraf sinclair blakon...
ape2 je cite ni...beli baju mahal pon bler jadi isu nk gado....sungguh pelik....
makcik miskin tp make-up makcik mcam 4-5jam er makeup.....

okeh2..sblum kena halau dr M'sia meh la tgk tv9 piala thomas tanda smgt satu Malaysia ku ini...
aq mmg susah nk tgk rncangan sukan wokeh..aptah lagi sndiri nk bsukan...ngahahhaa~

ada gak hikmah dorang kalah ngan jepun aritu...sold out tiket kat stadium jalil.....barulah ramai sket bukak mata n nk sokong negara sndiri...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Tear up the photographs, but yesterday won't let go
Every day, every day, every minute
Here comes the emptiness, just can't be lonely you know
Every day, every day, hey, hey

This second chancin's really getting me down
You give and takin' everything I dreamed about
It's time you let me know, let me know, just let go

All I ever wanted, all I ever wanted
Was a simple way to get over you
All I ever wanted, all I ever wanted
Was an in between to escape this desperate scene
Where every law reveals the truth
Baby 'cause I all ever wanted, all I ever wanted was you

I'd rather walk alone, don't wanna chase you around
Every day, every day, every minute
I fall a thousand times for I let you drag me down
Every day, every day, hey, hey

Your new beginning was a perfect ending
But I keep feeling we've already been here before
It's time you let me know, let me know, just let go

Tell me with so many out there why I always turn to you?
Your goodbyes tear me down every time
And it's so easy to see that the blame is on me

All I ever wanted, all I ever wanted
Was a simple way to get over you
All I ever wanted, all I ever wanted
Was an in between to escape this desperate scene
Where every law reveals the truth
Baby 'cause I all ever wanted, all I ever wanted was you

Monday, May 3, 2010

Donita-Menanti Sebuah Jawaban (Super HD Video Clip)

tetiba terjumpa lagu ni kat gak version donita yg xler blah..ending vC nie...adeh2....dah syok2 layan..ttiba ler spoil ngan ending yg x msuk ak kusut masai dah x siap lg keje ni..ym pon xler bukak dr td...bengang jer~erm sabar2...n tabah...
Boleh jadi kamu membenci sesuatu, padahal ia amat baik bagimu, dan boleh jadi kamu menyukai sesuatu padahal ia amat buruk bagimu; Allah mengetahui sedang kamu tidak mengetahui." (Al-Baqarah, Ayat ke-216)
lama dah ak x terbaca ayat ni....smoga ak menyukai perkara yang baik bagi-Mu dan membenci perkara yg tidak Kau sukai.... sometime You gave me difficulty yet let me ease in some other way~i'm the one who see darkness when u show me the light....forgive me~

Saturday, May 1, 2010

hectic time bebeh~ day become more and more chaos...need a break though i seem hv lot of break already...
akibat tlalu byk beristirehat smpai xreti mcamana nk berusaha keras....
same as maksud terlalu senang dapat smua bnda sampai lupa nk bersabar...
okeh more story on "lovely-dovey" feeling..since i dunno if it is real or not...
let it be wat it like to be...
so here i am..try to start doing again my thesis...but everything seem sooo wrong since yesterday...
i dunno why..but it just make  my own "sychonism" becoming higher...
maybe by listing part of my problem here would help me reduce stress...hope so,u'll nvr know till u start doing it...
Arakian,perkara PERTAMA/uno/1st of all...etc~
Dengan ulser dlm mulut yg reti2 nk bek...mayb akhir2 ni ak keep drinking air manis+berais lalu mengabai kan ayer paling sedap di dunia itu yg bnama air masak...ak tau itew lah air paling mahal skali korang susah nk beli...
smlm aku pure2 wat thesis sdikit2.... n letak ar dlm folder yg mcm ak rasa xpnah skemas tu...n pagi tadi aku check blk..demmm file tu mcm dh jd rupe yg bbeza..ak xmungkin mngerti...dlm waktu 4:30 am.ak cuba ar memikirkan cara tbaik n selesaikan msalah..dgn bukak fb n utube...kul 4am okeh...mmg u tube ak bler jln lebeh laju dr biasa....terima kaseh celcom...(uweks).....layan gak tengok thriller lagenda budak setan...erm,ikutkan...ak mcm x complete pon bace trilogy cite,tu ar...nk wat cane...cite tu mcm syoks jer utk ditonton..sape la mangsa nanti...
thriller lagenda budak setan(sila layan sndiri)

pegi tesco niat nk byar bil letrik..dh masuk bulan ke-4..risau lak aku kena potong letrik nanti...hahaha...
tp lalu dkat pjbt ofis..aiks,tutup lak..dh kul 9:30am...nape lak tak,ak wat2 pusing kat situ..n kuar blk kat pintu automatic yg x brape nk automatic...pergh..cute sgt ke aku ni..smpai ak dh btul2 dpn pintu tu pon die x mo bukak...sioot je...

teringin mkan nasi lemak kat restoran gembira sek3...padan muke..dh tau ari cuti...lg nk cari psal...kena ar tunggu agak dlm 15 minit sblum dpt tmpat duduk...ada ar 2,3 kali tmpat ak nk duduk kena amek org...ye2...mmg ak agak slow n mlas nk berebut ari ni....biarkanlah...
smpai kat gate...adeh kena tahan lak..ari sabtu ahad pon kena yg mlas ikot gate dpan...since ak nk g PTAR 2 ni la akibat er...

pakguard: " sticker mane...student ke...nk kad matrix..."
check2...dlm purse..adeh,br kemarin aku men sumbat je kad since aku guna clucth beg time tgk iron man2...erks,ape kaitan...yela~kad ak susun mcm lakhnat,x jumpa la kn...
pakguard: "xpe la dik...g ketepi dulu..."
dlm hati..mcm nk chow,xyah ar....
pakguard:"jgn megelabah..releks"
demmm..knape ak mglabah..itew mmg response ak bile ak dh pening kpala...
zihah:"sorry la...aritu saya letak dlm pencelbox. time exam..slalu ada..."
pakguard:"nanti buat sticker erk...."
zihah:"xpe lah..saya dh final sem...."
lalu tunjuk thumbs up n chow...
PerSOALAN...knape ko nk tunjuk thumbs up...
1)bgus ar tu...ko dh brambus....jgn susah kn aku...
2)tahniah..dh hampir graduate...
3)okeh good..alasan ko paling bijak....
.perkara TERAKHIR
di sekitar kwasan PTAR 2....
"harap maklum ptar2 ditutup pada 1may sempena hari buruh...aduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh~" last2 ak g lepak sorang2 kat fac business ni...okeh la gak..cuma keje x jln dr td,...tpikir2 cite fuad sbb ape time magrib n pas kul 12 xde org study kat port kitaorg slalu study...ermmmm~patut la syok gle kat sni....hahahhaha