okeh,as usual I haven't finish my proposal.wade???
30% for my final result and still playing around....so typical of me.
Just having my breakfast (opssss,it's still ramadhan and you know what I mean rit?)
It just my coffee and my bread.and probably cereal next.
(I need big breakfast...everyFday)
browsing facebook...
seem everyone on their way back to kampung.
Watching youtube,,the latest video from matlutfi..about merdeka something.I'm not able to finish it up..
Too long..(need to finish my assignment remember?)
so yup...why not another video...
and this super long video absolutely burst my tears out.
my mom call yesterday...during the time they suppose to break fasting...
It was 9pm at here..
'ada call ke tadi?'
'No,I didn't'
'owhh,tp ada miscall ni..'
'Takde lah....tengah wat ape tu?'
'baru buka...tp yang lain tak balik dr bazar jln kuching'
and go on..and on..
the point is...I'm not sure if she just saying about me calling her.and absolutely I didn't.
salah tekan?termissed call? Impossible I tell ya~
I hardly text anyone anyway~
so I was watching it..and make me cry ...
it feel so tahi..when think back how I never skyping with them.
I never try to appreciate maybe..
she want to kirim my baju kurung to my neighbour who come to visit her son here.
But I refuse since I don't really in mood to mix around for hari raya like a normal person do.
I was selfish thinking about my assignment which I know I could finish it up early but I don't.
I just being lazy as usual and only finish it up on the last minute.and regret it when it just too late for it.
well basically yeah.I regret for not letting her come here for hari raye.
she have a week off for raya holiday.
I just don't want her to feel bored celebrating raya which I have no attention to celebrate it though.
I feel free for not thinking about how boring my raya will be this year.
(like every years I do...)
apart of it.I do want to be with my family..we don't have a big family though.
Past few years.It only us who will waiting for people come for takbir during malam raya.
I wish my sister will soon get married and give some niece or something..
but maybe at that time she'll be at her husband house and we still be alone...
(be careful what you wish for)
Our raye usually empty and dull not as we were kid.
I missed my nenek old house with perigi and serambi to play with..
and some buaian and loteng where place I pampered myself when my sister and cousin pulau me from their childhood play.
pinjam dari...(google)
So yaaaah,the first raya song I listen today...
is from him too...I do think he kinda of cool doing simple thing yet really mean a lot for a person like me..
I do hate raya songs when everywhere the same raya song will be repeating like million time on the radio,mall,car..everywhere!! it just make me sick...
When I used to be the loyal front sitter during balik kampung time,
arwah abah will grumbling when there is no raya song on the radio.which at that time I prefer to tune into other channel when raya song is on air.
before I feel glad for not listen to raya song this time..
I already finish listen to this just now..
Thanks dude make me listen to my first raya song for this season...
30% for my final result and still playing around....so typical of me.
Just having my breakfast (opssss,it's still ramadhan and you know what I mean rit?)
It just my coffee and my bread.and probably cereal next.
(I need big breakfast...everyFday)
browsing facebook...
seem everyone on their way back to kampung.
Watching youtube,,the latest video from matlutfi..about merdeka something.I'm not able to finish it up..
Too long..(need to finish my assignment remember?)
so yup...why not another video...
and this super long video absolutely burst my tears out.
It was 9pm at here..
'ada call ke tadi?'
'No,I didn't'
'owhh,tp ada miscall ni..'
'Takde lah....tengah wat ape tu?'
'baru buka...tp yang lain tak balik dr bazar jln kuching'
and go on..and on..
the point is...I'm not sure if she just saying about me calling her.and absolutely I didn't.
salah tekan?termissed call? Impossible I tell ya~
I hardly text anyone anyway~
so I was watching it..and make me cry ...
it feel so tahi..when think back how I never skyping with them.
I never try to appreciate maybe..
she want to kirim my baju kurung to my neighbour who come to visit her son here.
But I refuse since I don't really in mood to mix around for hari raya like a normal person do.
I was selfish thinking about my assignment which I know I could finish it up early but I don't.
I just being lazy as usual and only finish it up on the last minute.and regret it when it just too late for it.
well basically yeah.I regret for not letting her come here for hari raye.
she have a week off for raya holiday.
I just don't want her to feel bored celebrating raya which I have no attention to celebrate it though.
I feel free for not thinking about how boring my raya will be this year.
(like every years I do...)
apart of it.I do want to be with my family..we don't have a big family though.
Past few years.It only us who will waiting for people come for takbir during malam raya.
I wish my sister will soon get married and give some niece or something..
but maybe at that time she'll be at her husband house and we still be alone...
(be careful what you wish for)
Our raye usually empty and dull not as we were kid.
I missed my nenek old house with perigi and serambi to play with..
and some buaian and loteng where place I pampered myself when my sister and cousin pulau me from their childhood play.
pinjam dari...(google)
So yaaaah,the first raya song I listen today...
is from him too...I do think he kinda of cool doing simple thing yet really mean a lot for a person like me..
I do hate raya songs when everywhere the same raya song will be repeating like million time on the radio,mall,car..everywhere!! it just make me sick...
When I used to be the loyal front sitter during balik kampung time,
arwah abah will grumbling when there is no raya song on the radio.which at that time I prefer to tune into other channel when raya song is on air.
before I feel glad for not listen to raya song this time..
I already finish listen to this just now..
Thanks dude make me listen to my first raya song for this season...