Yes dear,
I'm not really good to have a very long sleep after subuh....
Especially at time my mind have lot to handle now... endure broken heart and those feeling I hold inside...
I'm not able to sleep like a sleeping beauty did waiting for her prince charming to save her...(big F to the fairy tale~)
Last night watching some documentary about sexomnia and wadehel?? kau mmg xde pnyakit tu..
Tapi mmg satu ketika dulu I really have trouble of sleep walking...
I even knock on my friend door during my hostel life...
I'm not sure how my problem end up..
I feeling insecure if have to sleep with other people...potentially mumbling during sleep and talking thing not suppose to say...
But now,I do have to sleep in my friend room and hope those problem not happen again.
I don't think I still have those problem though..Well,not few years back..If not fara would say something about it.
I maybe have learn to pour my feeling instead swolling everything inside...
During my childhood,I always cry before going to sleep...I don't remember why I cried so much back then...
(probably I did..but I wanna try so hard to left those thing behind)
Maybe I learn to forgive people in my life.Holding grudge on other people only hurting us back..
Whoever she/he is...They only human like us...
But yet,I still an emotional human who thought can forget everything if I have a long sleep.and I don't.
I woke up this subuh around 5:30am and start baking my bread pudding....
(sebelum pon nampak ntah pape dah...)
I'm using the new receipe and not from the last time..Using french bread and add some peach...but I didn't check the receipe carefully. Instead I set the 300 deg C which suppose to be 300 F.
I almost burn the bread pudding itself.luckily I don't go to bed after putting it inside the oven...
sempat la kekonon bikin lemon peach tea...
can't finish making the topping after seeing my hopeless looking pudding...
My favourite thing can't even mend my broken heart.
(sbb lama gile teringin nk makan berri..and can't decide which berri to choose..angkat je yg mix..tu pon sbb discount jd $4)
Feeling more deeply sad.and continue to sleep at almost 7am.
Listen to the 'chirping' of the bird...sangat tipu~ bunyi gagak beborak je kot...
gagak satu: 'arkkkkk....arkkkkkk'
gagak dua : 'ark...ark...arkarkark.....'
and pikir,maybe gagak ni dapat nama sbb bunyi di mcm gagap.n tambah byk sgt jadi gagak..after agree ngn teori tahyul aku tu..terus continue tido
hell yaaaah~ mimpi sangat tak indah..semua masalah ada dlm mimpi aku tadi...
1)mimpi my mom and sister visiting me here..but end up left me alone to cry...
2)mimpi sitting with my friend but few minute then realize the one sitting beside me is my classmate/group (syko gile assignment tak siap...isk3)
3) it something about he..but luckily I forget it now...
end up open my eyes and crying for what I have dream..shitssss!serius F..why must I cry?I have cry in my dream and continue doing that after I realize my reality are just as shits as my dream...
All we can do is keep breathing~
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