
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

2AM - Sorry I Can't Smile For You - Even If I Die I Can't Send You - (e...

ak tak tau wey knape 2/3 hari ni tpengaruh dgn aura2 korea ni...
mayb sbb jeles ejun dapt g honeymoon kat sna...
atau tfeeling tgk cite cinderella unni....akibat x check time transfer movie dr jeda...
rerupe er x complete cite ni...argghhh~ak dh lyan smpai episod 6...

sbb suke:ak rasa heroin die sgt kewl smbil juling2 ayer sket..ntah hape2 aje ak mrepek....
sbb utama obsession ni akibat lagu yg agak feeling2 gitew....mcm la ak tgh angau...
sbb x angau la bler feeling over cengini...ahcoooit~
kena la tgk kat my soju je jawab er~

kerajinan ak lyan cite korea...memalaskan diri utk keluar berjoli2...
kebaikan er dari segi kewangan ak yg x brape nk kukuh ni..
keburukan er...mlas gler nk amek hanset ak ttingal kat umah jeda...
ni nak mandi pon mlas..ish2...

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

saiGon city/HO chi minh

Akher er,bjaya gak ak post entri ni...kemalasan/kebengongan mlanda diri semenjak dua menjak ni....
bfore flight ke saigon ni pon something bad just happen to me...and it hard for me to enjoy this holiday..
i try not to carry on this feeling cause i want them to be happy during this trip....
dengan hati yg agak berat...i try to put some smile in every trip but it truly hard...

it already plan since the matter where we go...i was looking fwd for this holiday...sbb dah lma sgt kitaorg x g holiday sma2...for me a trip not only a one of the way nak bonding2 antara satu sma len...
pas sekian lama aku pening2 cr tmpat and arrange,bjaya gak kitaorg g n pulang ngn slamat....
normally my mom prefer amek agensi sbb takot la pape hal kat sna etc...dan yg penting susah takot susah nk cr mkanan halal....problemo er,agensi smua ltak harga smpai rm800/head....ok fine...sbb cuti skolah hapekejadah er nk byar smpai rm800 utk 4 hari?bek guna duet tu soping2....
n mesti la ak x stuju...sbb rm800 tu ak check pakej Hong kong+disneyland pon lbey kurang je harga er...
well,thanks to prebetsapu er blog.... which i gain a lot of reliable knowledge dat really helpful during our trip there...
a few restoran halal kitaorg g... 

but we do not go to mekong delta....since my mom nk yg trip g floating market....n dr saigon it take a whole day utk g,kitaorg x de la g sna....kitaorg g jejalan ke china town..which end up buying nothing...mmg kaen murah2...tp2....sangat scary sbb penjual2 kat situ mcm harimau tunggu mangsa...smpai tarik2 mesti kes x rmai yg dtg...yela,unless korang ni mmg nk beli bundle byk2....atau mmg dh biasa ngn tempat ni..kain silk n cotton mmg,keadaan kat situ agak menakutkn utk kami...

advice:driver kat situ mmg susah nk jumpa paham english...even kitaorg kata liberty 4 pon dorng x pham...xsilap hotel tu agak well known...sbb dorang ada libery 2 and liberty 3 spnjang jln hotel tu...
n even i took advice org suh nek vansun atau mailinh...ada gak yg try nk tipu....sbnar er dkat je ben than market ngn,sbb ibu dah x larat nk jln...we end up taking a cab gak..ada satu masa ni..mlm n hujan....waaa geram tol ngn adik laki aku ni...kitaorg bg duet kat die suh byar teksi....mmg patot ada balance lbey kurang 10,000 VND tp driver tu wat bodo je...n adik ak pon kuar teksi...ak yg mmg nk make sure driver tu pulang kan duet mmg ar tak puas hati...wlau sparuh kaki aku dh kat luar ak still mintak...
mmg bengang sbb driver tu wat2 tak pha,...mmg ar aroun,ak x suke la prangai nk menipu org mcm tu...

sbnar er emo tu tbawa2 sbb siang tu kitaorg g massage kat hotel....pakej tu xingat ar brape.....n rupe er bilik ak ngn mak ak asing...yg massage tu pon xreti ckap english sgt...pening aku..yg lg pening~rupe er kena bg tip lg....mane ar ak tau kne bg brape...n ak slamba ulur aroung 10000 VND..die x puas ati...siap demand tulis atas ketas nk 50000 VND...pergh...mmg aku maki je ar dlm hati...dh ar mak ak yg dh settle massage bdan g nek atas...sbb nk byar tip utk refloxology...tkapai2 ar ak nk lyan makcik nenong sorang ni....

aku mmg suke cite bsepah2....kui2...nanti ghajin ak susun blk...hahhaa

Saturday, June 5, 2010

why is sooo hard??/knape susah sangat?

at first i nvr meant to write on not thing..or i mit be condemn since i hv a lack of REAL info
bout the history and so watever...
REALITI~kita hidup dalam situasi yg sLesa WAR or so watever..
ya rit..we shud be blast for wat we hv today...but does it mean we shudnt Fucking care bout wat happen
to another living life out there..
i always want to help and feel guilty living with more then i shud every single time i watched and heard bout
people involve in war...
WE keep giving a damn
why shud we care bout those Palestinian people?we hv enough problem already and watsoever...
do we really have to boycott coca-cola and Starbucks..
dont be so lame ~ bodoh er govt and etc2....

KEBENARAN: kita dari kecik dah disogok hidup aman damai tanpa peperangan........n lack of concern
bout how some people try to survive for another day out there..
i feel bad bout this people and sometime i forget and failed to help those people..

it impossible rit to make this world free from war??.>>>>cause dat wat some of us think...some of us who dont want to care how others doing as long they are fine and living in luxury life...

if the fact that coke and starbucks didn't contribute anything for this war...tak salah langsung if we try to
stop buying n support those things...

i dont want to blame american..or even Israel people......but i believe some of us can be change to be a better person....ALL religious are heading human to be a better person...all of us want to be happy and
some people did it in  a wrong way...........
Smua manusia buat salah and

we keep blame each other..we always thought we right....
hate people who act like they don't care...yg rasa orang berarak2 
sbb boikot Zionis/War tu satu bnda bodoh...atau x bfaedah..
how I hate when they dont stop comment bout the fact this and that...
bout the arab issue so dat why we cant help them..blablablabala~bullshit!!

say it loud to Ghandi then...if he can make change to his country 
by doing nonviolence protest.why cant we?
thanks wikipedia...again~

please LORD,all we need is no more more people dying on more people shooting at each other...

again: i ain't good in history/fact..correct me when i'm wrong.
.it just part of my heart hurt thinking on how we
being snobbish and acting so damn good when some people dying bcause we doing NOTHING....
all we care is having fun...laughing at people who try to help them....shame on u least pray for them...
not brag on some stupid issue bout it!!maybe it just the way we don't want to feel guilty...

some lemon juice: akibat tonton hurt locker~jiwa kacau....

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Susahnya mencari bahagia wlau terbentang di depan mata

JIKA ak jatuh cinta..cintakanlah aku pd seseorg yg mlabuhkan
Cintanya padaMU,agar bertambah kekuatanku untuk menyintaiMu..

Ya Muhaimin,jika ak jatuh hati..izinkanlah ak menyentuh hati seseorang 
yang hatinya tertaut padaMu...agar tidak terjatuh aku dlm jurang cinta 

YA Rabbana jika ak jatuh hati,jagalah hatiku padanya agar tidak berpaling 
daripada Mu

YA RAbbul Izzati  jika aku rindu,rindukanlah ak pada ssorang y mrindui
syahid di jalanMu

Ya Allah,jika aku menikmati cinta kekakishMu,jgn lah kenikmatan itu
melebihi kenikmatan indahnya bmunajat di sepertiga mlm terakhirMu

YA Allah jika ak jatuh hati pd kekasihMU,jgn biarkan ak tertatih 
& terjatuh dlm PerJALANAN panjang menyeru manusia kePadaMU

Ya ALLAH,jika Kau halalkn ak merindui kekasihMU,
jgn biarkan ak mlampaui btas shingga melupakan aku pd cinta hakiki
dan rindu abadi hnya kepadaMU

thanks untuk  .... sbb post link utube mutiara hati ni..

\mungkin sbb tu ak blum jumpa chenta...atau blum layak dicintai..../
bSabaR itu PErLu !! sungguh tersembunyi nikmat yg Allah lebey ketahui..siapalah aku nk mpertikai kan
kebijaksanaan AL-Alim~

effect LpAS forum ngn jeda yg ak bg tajuk sndiri "Guys---always took US for granted"